Happy International Transgender Day of Visibility 2020

Diverse Customer is lucky to be working along with Diversity advocates and the Inclusion consortium to create more trans-inclusive workplaces! International Transgender Day of Visibility is honored every year on March 31 and is a time to celebrate transgender people around the globe and the courage it takes to live openly and authentically, while also raising awareness around the discrimination trans people still face.

Allyship and mentorship in the workplace is the best way to see through the binary. An inclusive spectrum is what our programs, workshops, and solutions build upon. We have been at the giving end in augmenting the applicant funnel and talent pool of our clients by not just being talent representatives as diverse talent sometimes has a problem self-identifying the best opportunities that best fit them but also partnering globally with non-profits that help career coaching as well as reskilling trans professionals and enabling their seamless transition into the corporate world as well ensuring they are fully integrated into work environments to thrive and grow on a level playing field.

We are continuing our pledge to be a Trans Ally. Let all allies help raise the visibility of transgender and gender-nonconforming people and be a partner in many ways to address the issues the community faces.

1st Speak up act upon where your support is required, and not our silence.

2nd Help end discrimination by learning to be inclusive and help others learn through education and advocacy.

3rd Value gender expression more than genitalia.

At the global workplaces and especially countries like India... Sensitivity Training focused on understanding the rights, language, needs, and policies around LGBTQ+ individuals through open community discussion, interactive sessions, learning, and impactful workshops are essential for full and impactful integration of the trans/non-binary communities. In some countries sadly there is a rampant and deliberate mischaracterization of the portrayal of transgender identities in media and the prevailing sentiment of the majority because of it .. as most of these LGBTQ+ unfriendly countries largely borrow from that lexicon of the ingrained bias that fails to dissipate. 
