Happy International Non-Binary People's Day!

Today is International Non-Binary People's Day aimed at raising awareness around the issues faced by non-binary people everywhere. We are grateful for all the non-binary colleagues, friends, our readers & followers across our social media channels, and inclusion and diversity peers & proponents for being our guiding stars in creating more inclusive outcomes through our blog and work our founder Amit Anand does within the global Diversity landscape. 

Our endeavor has always centered around using gender-inclusive language which is the easiest way to show we care for and respect all forms of gender expression and identity. Our work involves developing and establishing inclusive communications and non-binary-inclusion protocols as part of our clients' diversity charters. 


Being gender non-conforming in the workplace has a unique set of challenges. Non-binary is a spectrum of gender identities that are not exclusively masculine or feminine. Hence it is essential to be gender inclusive with not just the language but also be able to address the difficulties at work ranging from the usage of pronouns to inclusive facilities, dress codes, talent acquisition, and much more. Our programs focus on making the leaders in People or Talent capacity dwell deeper into their operations and processes as well as their own understanding or lack thereof and push for their organizations to update internal and external communications. 

It takes a conscious effort to retrain our brain and to break old habits! As we all continue to learn about gender and the spectrum people can fall on, we need to retrain ourselves and unlearn some of the gender verbiages.  
