Curated Inclusive Design : Adaptive Lingerie : Mobility/ Dexterity

Image: The Curvy Crew Collection by BraEasy

Bra Easy has an adaptive line of lingerie for women inclusively designed for diversity. The collection includes:

Accessibility Bra
Accessible Lingerie
Adaptive Bra
Adaptive Lingerie
Broken Arm Bra
Broken Hand Bra
Frozen Shoulder Bra
Ischemic Stroke Bra
Intracerebral Hemorrhagic Stroke Bra
Limb Difference Bra
Lupus Bra
Post Op Bra
Rheumatoid Arthritis Bra
Stroke Bra
Psoriatic Arthritis Bra

Country of Origin: Australia

We absolutely love them and their amazing story behind the brand's creation, as always heart touching. What we love is the wide collection catering to many special needs. 

Our next favorite is Elbalondon's front fastening/ EZ magnetic fasteners-bras that are a big help for women with mobility/ dexterity issues.

Country of Origin: United Kingdom
