Diverse Customer Shoutout : Johnson & Johnson + Fathers want to be more Involved Parent

Image: fatherly

We attribute the success to lot of areas but this one in particular makes us proud of J&J:

The company's enhanced paternity leave policy under which new and adoptive fathers will be entitled to eight weeks of paid leave during the first year of birth or adoption

Diversity isn't just based around one gender.

Having a father figure is important for every child regardless of their sex. While everyone is stressing on how important it is to have equal partnership and responsibilities in raising children, more and more companies are offering equal maternity and paternity leave because they understand the importance of both parents in the lives of their children.

We at Diverse Customer applaud Johnson and Johnson for setting this milestone and continuing with many other diversity, inclusion and social impact initiatives. As part of our Employer Branding services, we routinely research the best employee practices that can lead to a more effective, productive, happier staff that stays with our client organisations longer. 

We only hope that such moderate policies make their way to other regions and across borders in opening a path forward following J&J's footsteps. 

Congratulations to men and their continued stride to gender equality and with this statement, let us not set any tone towards men that's negative, disempowering and rather hypocritical. We believe that giving fathers more valuable time with their children is truly a phenomenal step! 

Even as fathers repeatedly tell researchers that they want to be more involved parents : Modern Parenthood : Roles of Moms and Dads Converge as They Balance Work and Family By Kim Parker and Wendy Wang
