World Brain Day - Why Brain Health for All Matters?

The Key to a Healthy Life is Having a Healthy Brain

Note: Editor Amit Anand is launching his book, Good Gracious Grief! which discusses the many facets of healing and recovering from grief, anxiety, and loss. All the updates shall be available on this website:

He is also training to be a Mental Health Therapist specializing in psychotherapy proponents pertaining to Behavior, Cognitive, and Integrative/ Holistic therapy. So this blog will feature a lot of work he is learning and doing within this significant space.  

The World Federation of Neurology observes July 22nd as World Brain Day each year to raise awareness of neurological illnesses and their impact. The subject of this year is "Brain Health for All."  It's not just about neurodivergence, but also about mental health in general. 

What is important for brain health?

A balanced diet that includes a variety of fruit, vegetables, protein, and whole grains nourishes the body and brain

To maintain a stable brain environment, it is imperative to exercise regularly, get enough sleep and hydrate adequately, and stay cognitively active and socially creative, and involved. While doing all of these we also need to make sure to limit external factors like addiction, bad health practices, and extensive stress from deranging the brain’s normalcy. 

The brain is a complex organ with at least three levels of functioning that impact every element of our everyday lives: 

• Maintaining mental, cognitive, and emotional processes,
• Maintaining proper behavior cognition, and 
• Interpreting sensory information and controlling movement. 

Therefore, the retention of optimal brain integrity and cognitive and mental performance at a specific age in the absence of obvious brain illnesses that impair normal brain function may be referred to as brain health. Though it makes up only around 2% of your total body weight, your brain receives roughly 30% of the blood that is pumped by your heart. This demonstrates how much care and support it needs in contrast to the other parts of your body that seem to be more vital. The gray matter, also known as neurons, makes up around 86 billion of the brain's nerve cells. 

Good brain health is a state in which every individual can realize their own abilities and optimize their cognitive, emotional, psychological, and behavioral functioning to cope with life situations.

Our brains continue to be challenged by pandemic, wars, climate change, and myriad of disorders impacting human existence globally. Brain health and wellbeing is now an increasingly urgent issue. Only recently have we become more aware of the effects brain health can have overall. 

Celebrating this day is set to remind us of prevention and safety methods.

- Amit Anand
